3 month old sleep schedule sleeping baby
Baby Care

Building the Best 3 Month Old Sleep Schedule That Works for You

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3 Month Old Sleep Schedule 

At 3 months old, your baby is becoming more active during the day. That means lots more opportunities for playtime and interaction with your baby! 

A 3 month old sleep schedule allows you to create a routine that will help you manage your day, and make sure your baby is gettIng the sleep and nourishment that he needs. 

In this post, we will look at the guidelines for how much sleep your baby needs at this age, as well as the recommended feeding schedule for a 3 month old. I’ll also include a sample 3 month old sleep schedule for you to use as a guide, and a FREE printable schedule template so you can create your own!

printable baby schedule template

Your 3 Month Old Sleep Schedule

I believe in having a 3 month old schedule because of the benefits it has for your baby- and for you! Having a predictable series of events gives your baby stability and develops good habits that will help your baby sleep better. 

Your 3 month old sleep schedule shouldn’t be rigid. Instead, aim for creating a flexible but predictable routine for your baby. The goal is to provide some stability for your infant and some structure and confidence for you. 

By 3 months old, your baby’s sleep patterns may have become a bit more predictable. That will help you better determine when it’s best to lay her down to sleep. 

3 month old sleep schedule sleeping infant feet

Things to Consider For Your 3 Month Old Sleep Schedule

How Much Does a 3 Month Old Eat? 

Breastfed babies will typically nurse every 4-5 hours throughout the day. Some infants may still need to eat more often depending on their needs. Always check with your pediatrician if you are concerned about your child’s nutrition.

Formula-fed babies will take about 4-6 ounces every 3-4 hours. 


How Much Sleep Does a 3 Month Old Need?

According to babycenter.com. A 3 month old needs about 14-17 hours of sleep in a 24 hour period. This translates to roughly 9-10 hours a night and 6-7 hours during the day.  Your 3 month old will probably take 3-4 naps during the day.

The wake window for a 3 month old will stretch to about 75-110 minutes at a time. That means more awake time to play and explore.

Try to keep naps between 30 minutes and 2 hours to avoid oversleeping during the day. 


Sample 3 Month Old Sleep Schedule 

Remember this sample 3 month old schedule is meant to serve as a guide not a rigid routine. You can adjust the schedule as needed to fit the unique patterns and needs of your child. 

I also have a FREE printable template for your 3 month old schedule here! This way, you can create your own 3 month old sleep schedule that’s perfect for you.


Sample 3 Month Old Sleep Schedule / 3 Month Old Feeding Schedule


6:30am Wake / Feed
7:45am-9:00am Nap #1
9:30am Feeding 
10:30am-12:00pm Nap #2
12:30pm Feeding
1:30pm-3:00pm Nap #3
3:45pm Feeding
4:30pm- 5:15pm Nap #4
6:30pm Start Bath/ Bedtime Routine
7:00pm Feeding
7:30pm Bedtime


Tips For a 3 Month Old Sleep Schedule That Works

Here are a few tips for getting your 3 month old to sleep better at night:

  1. Keep the Days Active and Bright, and Night Times Dark and Calm.

There are so many things for you to do with your baby during the day! Lots of playtime and interaction will help her realize that daytimes are for playing. 

Wear your baby in a carrier, or carry your baby with you as you move around throughout the day. Talk to her about what you’re doing or let her play in a bouncy seat beside you while you fold laundry.

To distinguish daytime sleep, I didn’t use room darkening curtains for nap time. I also kept time routines brief and purposefully different from our nighttime routine.

     2. Keep Stimulation to a Minimum at Night

When going in for nighttime feedings, keep the room dark and quiet. Don’t play or interact with your baby during nighttime feedings. 

     3. Have a Bedtime Routine and Stick To It

Help your baby know it is time for bed by keeping a simple , predictable routine. Our routine was simply bath, feeding, book, and bed.

     4. Start your Nighttime Routine 30 minutes Before You Plan to Lay Your Baby Down to Sleep.

     5. Lay Your Baby Down When They Are Drowsy, But Awake.

      This will help him learn to get to sleep on his own.


3 Month Milestones

There are lots of exciting new developments this month as your baby becomes more social- including that heart-melting smile!

Please remember that these milestones are based on age average age ranges. Some infants will reach them earlier, some slightly later. That’s totally normal.

 I did all the same things with my twin boys, but even they reached these milestones at different times- sometimes even a month apart!

Please talk with your pediatrician if you are at all concerned about your child’s development.

3 Month Milestones:

This month your baby may begin to:

  1. Smile socially!
  2. Open and close hands on purpose
  3. Begin rolling from belly to back during tummy time
  4. Bear weight on his legs when held upright
  5. Make conversational babbling noises


Suggested Activities for Playtime

This is such a fun age to play and interact with your baby. Now that he’s awake for longer stretches, you can take advantage of that bonding time.

Here are some activities you can try with your 3 month old:

  1. Give them lots of opportunities to explore the world around them

Go for walks in the park or around your neighborhood to expose him to lots of new sights and sounds

     2. Tummy Time

Consider using a play mat with colorful toys to engage your child during tummy time. Place a mirror in front of him for him to see his own face as he explores

    3. Read to your baby

Reading to your baby is a great way for her to hear speech patterns to imitate. Try to find board books with bright pictures, or cloth books that she can grab and explore.

     4. Music

Put on some music, lay your baby on the floor, and move his arms and legs gently to the music. Singing songs and nursery rhymes is great for language development.

If you need more ideas for ways to play with your 3 month old, try the  BabySparks app. I used it with my youngest daughter, and I really loved it. 

The app features activities (with demonstrations) that you can do with your baby. Each activity encourages your baby’s cognitive, emotional, and physical development. You’ll never run out of ideas for how to play with your little one.

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  1. […] 3 Month Old Sleep Schedule/ 3 Month Old Feeding Schedule […]

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