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Baby Care

Building the Best 6 Month Old Sleep Schedule

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6 Month Old Sleep Schedule 

This month holds so many exciting new developments for your 6 month old. Does your baby sleep for solid stretches, or does she usually nap in more frequent, but shorter spurts?  By now, her sleep personality and temperament is becoming more evident, which may make creating her 6 month old sleep schedule a bit easier.

A 6 month old schedule is meant to benefit both you and your growing baby. Both of you need some form of structure and predictability to your day, and your baby needs a routine that gives him the right amount of sleep and nourishment.

In this post, we’ll consider the guidelines for how much sleep and food your baby needs at this stage. This information will help us establish a  6 month old schedule that’s right for you and your little one. 

I have also included an example of a 6 month old sleep schedule for you to use as a staring point, and a FREE printable baby schedule template to help you customize your own 6 month old schedule.

6 month old sleep schedule

Building Your 6 Month Old Sleep Schedule

A 6 month old sleep schedule is not meant to be rigid and unchanging. Rather, it is a flexible but predictable routine for your baby. Ideally, a 6 month old sleep schedule will provide some structure for your baby and peace of mind for you. 

Once you recognize your baby’s sleep cues, you can predict the times he’s most likely to nap. Whenever he shows signs of being sleepy, you can lay him down to sleep while he is drowsy but awake. You want your baby to learn to fall asleep on his own without relying on you to rock him to sleep every time. 

Things to Consider For Your 6 Month Old Sleep Schedule

How Much Does a 6 Month Old Eat? 

Breastmilk and formula are still where most of your baby’s calories will come from. A 6 month old will take about 28-32 ounces or formula or breastmilk a day. This will probably come in 5-6 bottles or breastfeeding sessions per day. Some infants may still need to eat more often depending on their needs. Always check with your pediatrician if you are concerned about your child’s nutrition.

If you haven’t started already, 6 months is probably when your baby will start to try solid foods. Here are some signs that your baby may be ready to start trying solid foods:

  1. He’s able to sit upright in a high chair or feeding seat
  2. He has good head control
  3. He’s able to move food to the back of his mouth and swallow, instead of pushing it back out 
  4. He opens his mouth when food is offered

If your 6 month old shows signs that she is ready for solid foods, ask your pediatrician if it’s ok to start.

How Much Sleep Does a 6 Month Old Need?

According to, a 6 month old needs about 12-16 hours of sleep in a 24 hour period. Your baby is probably taking about 3 naps throughout the day, lasting between 30 minutes and 1 and a half hours.

A 6 month old can stay awake for about  2-3 hours at a time.

For ideas of how to play with a 6 month old during her wake hours, see the last section of this post.

Sample 6 Month Old Sleep Schedule 

The sample 6 month old schedule is only a guide for you, and it is not meant to be a rigid routine. You can adjust the schedule to fit your baby’s unique personality and needs. 

I also have a  FREE printable template for your 6 month old schedule as a bonus for you. You can use it to create your own 6 month old sleep schedule that’s perfect for your little one.

Sample 6 Month Old Sleep Schedule / 6 Month Old Feeding Schedule


7:00am Wake / Feed
8:45am-10:30am Nap #1
10:45am Feeding 
12:30pm-2:00pm Nap #2
1:45pm Feeding
4:00-4:30 Nap #3
5:00pm Feeding
6:30pm Start Bath/ Bedtime Routine
7:30pm Bottle
7:45pm Bedtime

6 month old sleep schedule

Tips For a 6 Month Old Sleep Schedule That Works

These tips may help get your 6 month old to sleep at night:

  1. Keep daytime bright and full of activity and night times dark and calm.

  2. Keep Nighttime Feedings Calm and Dark

  3. Have a Consistent Bedtime Routine 

  4. Start your Bedtime Routine 30 minutes before you plan to lay your baby down to sleep.

  5. Lay your baby down when they’re sleepy but awake. 

6 Month Milestones

If your baby isn’t reaching these milestones just yet, don’t be alarmed. Milestones are based on averages, and some infants will reach them earlier, some slightly later. That’s totally normal.

Always consult your pediatrician if you are concerned about your child’s development.

6 Month Milestones:

This month your baby may begin to:

  1. Sit without support
  2. Respond to the Emotions of Others
  3. Bear weight on his legs & use a bouncer
  4. Responds to his name

Suggested Activities for Playtime

Here are some ideas for how to play with your 6 month old:

  1. Nursery Rhymes & Finger Plays

Perform simple finger plays and nursery rhymes with your baby. Over time, your baby will be able to recognize the motions and the words. Some examples of finger plays to try : 

This Little Piggy, Where is Thumbkin, Pat-a-Cake, Itsy Bitsy Spider, Baby Bumblebee.

      2. Use a Bouncer

Your baby’s legs are strong enough to use a bouncer. This is great exercise and will continue to strengthen large muscle groups

     3. Stacking and Sorting Toys

Stacking rings or toys that sort 3-D shapes will help develop fine motor and cognitive skills. Plastic measuring cups and spoons work great too.

     4. Bubbles

Babies love watching bubbles. Once my baby was big enough to sit unsupported, I would sit him up and allow blow bubbles nearby so he could reach out and touch them. 

You’ll never run out of ideas for how to play with your 6 month old when you use the BabySparks app. This app has activity ideas (with demonstrations) that encourage your baby’s cognitive, emotional, and physical development. I used it with my youngest daughter, and it was great.

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